Today is Blog Day 2006. According to the official blog for this event:
Blog Day was created with the belief that bloggers should have one day dedicated to getting to know other bloggers from other countries and areas of interest. On this day every blogger will post a recommendation of five new blogs. In this way, all Blog surfers will find themselevs leaping around and discovering new, previously unknown blogs.
Please Get Political: Impeach Bush Coalition: As its name suggests this is a "united coalition of bloggers for the impeachment of George W. Bush." This and others on impeachment are worth reading, especially since the recent ruling that the NSA domestic wiretap activities are unconstitutional. (We knew that, but now a court says so too.) For the Finger Lakes Progressives' impeachment resolution, click here.
Orchids and Blogging: Ok, I am not at all a gardener but I live graced by orchids. So, it seemed a good idea to put an orchid-related blog here as part of my contribution to Blog Day 2006. Several of those I could find are really not posting any more, but I liked these two: (1) Orchid is, as it should be, aesthetically pleasing and also informative (with web sourses and pictures and. . . ); and (2) West Coast Orchid Enthusiasts whose blog has the wonderful name Orchidelerium . The latter come to you from the west coast of Canada. I can't read italian, but if you can, check out
Oh Canada: Readers of this site know I am in Canada on occasion. So, I thought I ought to look at some canadian sites, of which there are many. Although a bit unfair, given that this is a food blog, I particularly like the newish site, Canada Eats. They raise the delightful question: what is Canadian food? They have a feature I like a lot -- a round up of food sections from around the country. In case you want to find more Canadian blogs, check out this site. And check out the 2005 Canadian Blog Awards; it lists things like Rick Mercer's blog
Just Say Anything: I came across this site when looking for blogs on Alberta politics. Here's why. But the site really is a pretty good read and claims to be North Dakota's most popular poltical blog.
Gender Politics: Ok, feminism, gender, lgbt and related blogs is what I mean. I am not sure what to make of Redneck Feminist as politics. The site focuses on feminist, free market, libertarianism. I know my taste in music definitely does not work with her Friday Rock Music days. But she's got some politics. Feminism, libertarianism, etc. And in cruising, I found a great article responding to recent media coverage of AIDS in black america at the blog I love the look of Turnpike Feminist's site;and I need a bit of the younger perspective. Check it out.
Finally, one more foodie site, just because you can read it in a variety of languages: Cooking Diva. I am a terrifically uncosmopolitan person, but cooking helps me expand my horizons (though how one does that without appropriationism and a sort of yucky tourism factor is always a challenge). Check out Panama -- and expand your horizons too.
North Dakota
Current Affairs
Impeach Bush