We binge watch. We do. And, my partner is kind enough to look for things food related on our various streaming services.
We wondered why Whites was called Whites. Was it about race? No: chef's whites? The color of the location of the restaurant featured in the series? Eventually, we learned: the chef's last name? White.
The restaurant might be called The White House restaurant. With no link to the one in D.C.
In any case, White is a what we used to call a television show, and I am now at a loss for what to call them. Streamed series? formerly known as television shows. It turns out it is a BBC show which aired in 2010. Starring an actor we like (Alan Davies) as the chef (who is somehow and always a bit at a loss), the show is set at a country hours hotel where he runs the restaurant. He is a bit of a mess, and leaves all too much of the running of things up to his second in command, Bib. No: not Bob.
The characters include one of my favorite ever totally daft people, unfortunately a woman, Kiki, who simply is clueless. Totally clueless. Others include a chap named Skoose who wants to be the sous chef (and is an apprentice) who is mostly a real mean ambitious type, except toward the end of the series where one gets a tiny bit of insight that he is someone other than a total. . . ass? There is also the hotel manager, the owner who is a bit on the odd side, and others who come and go.
The series is like some of the mysteries I read: a peanut. That is, it was fun to binge watch, and I am even sad that it did not last longer, but it is not something I want to re-watch. The sight of the kitchen and the food being prepared seemed genuine and the characters were set to the perfection of sitcom tension, and the evenings we spent binging were just that: fun. I might never look at an almost washed up executive chef again the same way -- nor a successful television foodie chef (who got there in nasty ways).
Watch it is you are looking to binge with no redeeming features other than the odd smile. Click here if you want to know that the actors are still peeved that it was cancelled (despite good ratings). For another perspective on the series, try this.